Illinois Mycological Association

Celebrating 52 Years! 1973-2025

About UsHow to Join

The Illinois Mycological Association is a group of fungal enthusiasts that meets frequently to learn about fungi through talks presented by experts, and to look for, identify and document wild fungi. We host monthly meetings with invited speakers, mycologist-led surveys to gather and document fungi, and an annual show at the Chicago Botanic Garden.

We welcome you to attend and learn more about fungi and the wild mushrooms of Illinois and the Chicago region.

Next Events

March Mushroom of the MonthGliophorus psittacinus

When young, these small, slimy, striking mushrooms start out a vibrant deep green or aqua color and gradually turn multicolored, fading to yellow, orange or red hues – much like the markings of a parrot. They’re typically found in grassland or from the ground in wooded areas during late summer and autumn months in the eastern part of the U.S. and along the west coast.

Photo and text by IMA President Liz Weinstein  

Join your local mushroom club

Video by the Illinois Mycological Association.

Speakers: Patrick Leacock, Tom Volk, and Britt Bunyard.
Video created by James Strzelinski, Spiel.

Interview assistance by Rebecca Fyffe.


IMA on iNaturalist

Members of the Illinois Mycological Association post their mushroom photos to iNaturalist to record fungal diversity for the Chicago Region. Mycologist Patrick Leacock reviews a selection of recent observations organized by his Top Ten Lists of most common macro-fungi.

IMA on iNaturalist

Become a Part of the Illinois Mycological Association